@emmacroager great presentation on using consumer laws for advocacy#PHC2012What?
— PHAIWA (@PHAIWA) September 10, 2012
Each reduced tonne of CO2 gives $50 of benefit due to reduced health costs #phc2012In Australia? Really? I'd bet pretty heavily against it.
— Iordan Kostadinov (@iordaman) September 10, 2012
Tony Blakely: should public health really want to keep increasing life expectancy? #phc2012
— richard horton (@richardhorton1) September 10, 2012
#phc2012 interesting presentation on life expectancy. It just keeps rising. Do we want life expectancy to keep going up??? Big question.
— Chris White (@27degreessouth) September 10, 2012
Increases in life expectancy in recent decades have not affected relative inequality: Tony Blakely #phc2012Recall Blakely's prior work in this area. [and here]. I like increased life expectancy, so long as it's not achieved by forcing people to lead bland lives. The stream seemed to suggest worries about ecological footprints and life expectancy.
— CAHA Inc (@healthy_climate) September 10, 2012
Tobacco eradication is the single most important action public health can deliver to reverse inequality. #phc2012
— richard horton (@richardhorton1) September 10, 2012
I'm trying!@greenperknyc Public think 'public health' means hospitals & doctors 4 their PERSONAL health. How to counter this?? #PHC2012
— Kay (@Murfomurf) September 10, 2012
Richard Wilkinson: Despite privilege, luxury, and wealth, many ppl miserable and dissatisfied. Wealth does not lead to happiness. #phc2012Wilkinson, of The Spirit Level, was keynote. Recall that The Spirit Level was completely debunked by Chris Snowdon (on the right) and is viewed as unreliable by Andrew Leigh. Leigh wrote:
— CAHA Inc (@healthy_climate) September 10, 2012
One set of arguments suggests that we should care about inequality for what are called ‘instrumental reasons’. Inequality, some contend, is associated with worse outcomes in areas that society cares about, such as health, crime, savings and growth. This argument is put most strongly in The Spirit Level, by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. It is an argument that I used to believe. Indeed, I deeply want to be true, but my own research persuades me otherwise.[25] The closer you get to these asserted effects, the more fragile are the findings. If there are negative effects of inequality on those social outcomes, they must be extremely small. (There are also small positive effects. For example, my own work shows that inequality boosts growth, though the trickle-down process is slow.)And, recall that Justin Wolfers destroyed the "not lead to happiness" result:
Using recent data on a broader array of countries, we establish a clear positive link between average levels of subjective well-being and GDP per capita across countries, and find no evidence of a satiation point beyond which wealthier countries have no further increases in subjective well-being. We show that the estimated relationship is consistent across many datasets and is similar to that between subjective well-being and income observed within countries. Finally, examining the relationship between changes in subjectiveBack to the twitter stream:
well-being and income over time within countries, we find economic growth associated with rising happiness. Together these findings indicate a clear role for absolute income and a more limited role for relative income comparisons in determining happiness.
RT @theparentsjury: RT @bustjunkads: Consumerism is greatest threat to sustainability #phc2012 Wilkinson #phc2012
— Kay (@Murfomurf) September 10, 2012
Obesity should be less focused on individual responsibility - Reid (BIG CHEER FROM ME WOOOP!) #phc2012
— Dr Samantha Thomas (@Doc_Samantha) September 11, 2012
"We should be managing food rather than obesity" - social responsibility rather than individual. Papaarangi Reid #phc2012Prepare to be managed.
— Junkbusters (@bustjunkads) September 11, 2012
Tobacco is the enemy not the smoker. Same sentiment for obesity, stop the victims blaming #phc2012
— Iordan Kostadinov (@iordaman) September 11, 2012
Baum: We have to be brave about advocacy. The history of public health shows things happened because people said this is wrong. #phc2012Yes. Very brave.
— Dr Samantha Thomas (@Doc_Samantha) September 11, 2012
RT @bustjunkads: Haven't signed our petition for #fatfreetv? Please do #phc2012 communityrun.org/petitions/dema…I assume they're looking to ban ads for fatty foods and that they're not trying to cancel reruns of Roseanne.
— jenni beattie (@jennibeattie) September 11, 2012
@melkettle Need collective action on "junk" food & their ads. #phc2012
— Kay (@Murfomurf) September 11, 2012
Politicians should not make health policy. We should have an independent body to do this. - Graves #PHC2012Ummm.... if they mean an arms-length body like Pharmac for funding decisions, that's totally justifiable. But I'm not sure that's what's here advocated.
— Dr Samantha Thomas (@Doc_Samantha) September 12, 2012
Analysis of news articles about alcohol find reporting is trending towards more social disapproval of alcohol #PHC2012I think this is a KPI for some folks.
— PHAIWA (@PHAIWA) September 12, 2012
Researchers watched 816 music videos to analyse for alcohol content, interesting results! Uni of Otago #PHC2012Did Otago get a grant for this? Weeping.
— PHAIWA (@PHAIWA) September 12, 2012
#PHC2012 Little branding of alcohol in music videos. Policy could influence funding and when shown on TV.And so you have a little glimpse into the world that the Public Health advocates are trying to bring forth.
— Linda Kirkman (@lindathestar) September 12, 2012